Simple troubleshooting for installing grokproject on MacOSX
If errors occur with existing python/zope stuff from misleaded trials and you can ignore other installs related to python (sure!?) try this.
Summary for install of grokproject on MacOSX into a mixed up environment without taking care on other existing (and related) python zope installs.
This is a rough collection of what I have done tonight, and has to be cleaned up later.
I decided to publish it, because of the upcoming Workshop in St.Augustin.
Install python 2.4.4 as a Framework (TBAL)
On an existing install with colliding ressources (zope 3 catalog versions etc.):
Cleanup /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ or your corresponding site-packages directory by deleting all eggs/Packages with prefix "zope." , "zc." , "grok ".
But let remain easy-install.pth and setuptools.
Do this only on a initial install of grokproject without risk of interference with other python related software. Do it on your own risk!
Then invoke
% easy_install grokproject
Create a Sample project:
% grokproject Sample
Omit special characters in the password for the "Sample" project from the Grok Tutorial, when you receive errors related to line 18 of ../Sample/parts/app/site.zcml